Larrikins Cab Sauv 750ml Larrikins Cab Sauv 750ml
4.5 stars - "Review for Larrikins Cab Sauv 750ml" This Larrikins Cab Sauv 750ml is the best Cabernet Sauvignon I have tried.
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Larrikins Cab Sauv 750ml

Product ID: Larrikins_Cab_Sauv_750ml

View or buy the Cabernet Sauvignon Red Wines - Larrikins Cab Sauv 750ml from to discover other options and shipping details.


A complex and fragrant Cabernet Sauvignon with blackberry, mulberry, cassis, lavender, bay leaf, damp earth and balanced cedar oak. The palate is full and structured with ripe tannins. A varietal Cabernet from Margaret River that's packed full of ripe fruit. 


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